Fancy Bulletproof Coffee


  •  Purity Coffee
  • 1 tsp. Organic virgin coconut oil
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • Almond milk

Recipe: Brew your regular cup of coffee (I prefer french-press) add coconut oil, and rosemary to the rotary device of your choice and pulse until frothy. Add almond milk and cinnamon to taste.

Explanation: Purity coffee offers the single greatest quality of coffee bean from my research. The beans are roasted for the highest anti-oxidant content (which equates to a medium roast) days before being sent directly to you. Certified lab tested multiple times for mycotoxins, pesticides, and impurities. Coconut oil contains fats, namely medium-chain triglycerides which slow and enhance caffeine absorption in addition to providing a cognitive boost. Rosemary increases blood flow and is a potent anti-oxidant. Cinnamon modulates blood glucose and in turn extends coffee’s energy boosting capacity. Almond milk (as you know) is non-dairy and will cool the coffee :P. This recipe tastes amazing!!!

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