
Simplicity at its Finest

Two years and too many mozzie bites to count. Life is exactly what you make of it, nothing more, nothing less. Coming full circle from finding the most optimized health hacks and nutritional supplements; the key to health is simplicity. Rainwater caught in a clean environment with all the pollen and algae to accompany; plentiful and abundant. B12 is a common deficiency, yet it’s readily available in dirty rainwater. Chicken, eggs, and steaks, all pasture-raised to perfection. Garden-grown veggies sprouting from mycelium ensnared soil beds. These are all signs of health. A simple life simply isn’t what a lot of people are looking for.

The thirst for more propels people and humanity as a whole farther and farther down the rabbit hole. But the individual pursuit of your own slice of paradise amidst the chaos is the most wholesome, difficult, and rewarding part of it all. Like I said, the simple life simply is not for everyone. Eat your spices, balance your macros and for fucks sake move your body like it wants to be moved!

Cheers mate

The Time Investment

Phoenician Grinders and MFLB

The time investment, the age-old question. What do you want to attract? Just like how the sum of your closest friends is a reflection of who you are. What you put time and effort towards day after day will eventually result in an outcome, good or bad. Do you want the life of your dreams, doing the things you love? or could you really care less?

The alchemical gold of life is getting paid to do the things you would be stoked to do for free. Note the double edge sword here…just because you would be happy to do these things free of charge doesn’t mean you should. In every line of work, expertise is rewarded appropriately.

It’s not enough to just be passionate about something. If you want to make a career in it you also have to be the best or one of the top experts in that field. Certainly a daunting task, but the greatest part is it can be quite literally anything. If you are an expert in electric toothbrush gaskets…well…maybe another topic would be better.

The point is value. Of your time and skills. If you are unable to value yourself appropriately, then how can you expect anyone else to?

The Journey Begins

I look around at the people I know and the supposed role models of our society and what I see is ~5 percent of people who seem like they have it figured out. That “it” i’m referring to is life. Now what about the other 95 percent? Well they’re a bunch of bumbling idiots who don’t know their ass from a bag of ham. I obviously have all the answers to the universe and that’s exactly what this blog is for; to provide those answers.

Sarcasm aside, everyone is just chasing their dreams (hopefully) but what do we end up sacrificing during that pursuit? Often times it’s our health, well-being, friends, familial relations, and sometimes our own sanity. The alchemical gold of life is to get paid doing things that feel like play. That’s not to say that those things will or should be easy. After all if it feels like child’s play then whats the point? People like food that is just spicy enough to kick up a little sweat without causing a panic attack and explosive diarrhea. The same goes for work minus the diarrhea…unless Dave brought Chipotle for the office…fucking Dave.

“What surprises you the most about humanity?”

“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.” -Dalai lama

Just the Tip

Are you lonely? Wish you could have everything you ever wanted? Experiencing mental and physical fatigue? If this sounds like you don’t miss out on this opportunity of a lifetime. Go for longer, grow bigger, feel faster, and get enhanced blood flow unlike anything you’ve ever experienced!

Order now for the low price of $129.99/Month….or just send it to my Venmo

No you didn’t just stumble upon a penis enlargement advertisement. What we are talking about today is nootropics and nutraceuticals! Nootropics are any substance/compound that enhances executive functioning, creativity, memory, or motivation. In other words, concentrate for longer, grow your brain, think faster, and get enhanced blood flow unlike anything you’ve ever experienced!

Nootropics can be broken down as follows:

  • Drugs: Amphetamines (vyvanse/adderall), Racetams, methylphenidate, modafinil etc.
  • Herbs/Alternative remedies: Ginkgo biloba, Rhodiola rosea, Panax ginseng/Gynostemma, L-theanine/green tea, Bacopa monnieri, Nicotine/tobacco, Kaempferia parviflora, Hericium erinaceus, Ganoderma lingzhi, omega-3 fatty acids, Forskolin, Rosemarinic acid, Mucuna pruriens, saffron, ashwagandha, and microdosing substances.
  • Functional Supplements: Caffeine, Creatine, Magnesium, Melatonin, ALA (alpha linolenic acid), Alpha-ketoglutarate, L-citrulline DL Malate, Huperzine A, Vitamin D, and Aerobic exercise among others.

This is a true laundry list of available herbs, drugs, and supplements; each of these won’t necessarily work for everyone. Someone looking for relief from anxiety so they can focus on more mentally demanding tasks will benefit from certain nootropics. Whereas the person looking for increased energy, stamina, and concentration may benefit from a completely different combination of nootropic compounds. Nothing will make up for poor sleep, diet, and exercise but for healthy individuals these can give you the extra edge needed to get ahead in life both personally and professionally. Start low, go slow, and before you know it you’ll have rock hard thoughts every day of the week!

Holiday Hangover Cure

Tis the season! Happy holidays to everyone, and I hope you are all staying well and safe.

Normally this time of the year we would be throwing big ole parties, inviting anyone and everyone to hang out and enjoy good company, amazing foods, and more then the fair share of alcohol. Maybe this year is a little different with the lockdown orders, smaller gatherings, or no gatherings at all. In any case, today I’d like to talk about alcohol.

Whether you’re drinking recreationally and want to avoid the dreaded hangover or you just want to feel sharp and ready for your zoom meeting first thing in the morning here are some tips and tricks to feel at your best.

  • Drink plenty of water/replenish electrolytes especially if you have a reverse osmosis filter (a pinch of himalayan or celtic sea salt will do).
  • Use medicinal teas and herbs like rosemary, dandelion, ginger, holy basil, milk thistle, and green tea or matcha (just be careful and avoid excessive caffeine).
  • Replenish minerals specifically zinc, magnesium, and B-vitamins as they can be depleted from alcohol and other recreational drugs.
  • Sauna or mild aerobic exercise can work wonders although it will suck. A lot.
  • Activated carbon capsules (2-3) before bed can help reduce the acetaldehyde load.
  • Utilize adaptogens. My favorite 3 are reishi, holy basil, and rhodiola although there are plenty others out there that may work as well or better for you.

Alcohol places stress on the body. It isn’t metabolized immediately because it moves quickly from the stomach to the blood stream/cardiovascular system but eventually the liver and kidneys need to figure out a way to process it. During that process it’s converted into acetaldehyde, a known carcinogen that can wreak havoc on many different parts of the body. Which is exactly why alcoholism can be so nasty and truly ruin ones health. That’s not to say that alcohol is bad as small amounts especially during the cooler winter months can provide a great source of antioxidants and promote circulation and good cardiovascular health.

With regards to best practices; consume in moderation, if you choose to drink hard alcohol, pick one of the cleaner ones like gin, whisky, vodka, brandy, or tequila. Especially avoid excess sugar as that can throw gasoline on the shit stained fire. Happy holidays! and if your royally hung over while reading this. Sucks to be you. GL

Say Yes to NO

Nitric oxide. The underrated molecule crucial to blood flow, nutrient delivery, and cardiovascular health.

Atherosclerosis, and heart disease is a modern day pandemic (other than COVID-19) which is further exacerbated by exceptionally high inflammatory diets that include rancid vegetable oils, higher ratios of omega-6’s compared to omega-3’s and the end all be all of impaired health; stress. There’s a lot that goes into the body’s natural production of nitric oxide but to give a quick summary, nitrates are required. Nitrates are converted into nitric oxide through a process that involves various amino acids, enzyme pathways, and circulatory systems. Many diseases stem from the problem of blood flow. From arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and gastrointestinal illness to things more common like ED, cold/clammy hands, and brain fog.

In Chinese and ayurvedic medicine there’s the idea of chi or prana, a life force within the body that brings about strong vitality, health, and vibrant feelings. When these energy pathways are blocked or “clogged” it can manifest as any number of diseases or symptoms. Sounds oddly similar to the big word here; circulation. Circulation quite literally means to move to and fro or around something. When someone says they have “poor circulation” it means things aren’t getting where they need to go. Now how do we enhance circulation, nitric oxide, prana and or chi?

  • Exercise: specifically aerobic exercise 15-45 minutes a day (at least)
  • Foods high in healthy nitrates: Beet and pomegranate juice, garlic, and dark chocolate are a few of my favorite but cruciferous vegetables can also help out with blood flow and free radicals.
  • Pranayama breathing: Known as lions breath (Ujjayi) this constricts the back of the throat and activates the vagus nerve. Our rest and digest response.
  • Deep tissue massage and stretching: Abhyanga, dry brushing, yoga etc..
  • Sauna: Either a traditional dry sauna or infrared sauna is even better. Especially when combined with natural sunlight.
  • Vitamin D: Paramount to overall immune health, bone and joint strength, and circulation!
  • Stress reduction: Any and all activities that reduce racing thoughts, pain in the body, and provide Zen/calm even if its only for a couple minutes can work wonders for circulation. When we are in fight or flight mode, one of the first things the body does is restrict blood flow to extremities and redirects it to internal organs.

The majority of these ideas have been reiterated over and over by health care professionals in both eastern and western practices. The key is picking a couple to incorporate into your daily life. As a lover of biohacking and life “cheat codes” I find a nitric oxide stack with amino acids to be incredible during a strength/light cardio workout, followed by a sauna session with dry brushing, and topping it off with a light medicated abhyanga massage. Now, nobody has time to do all that every day. But once, maybe twice a week, for general wellness and to occasionally feel like a Greek god not only works wonders for cardiovascular health and self-esteem but also reduces your chances of dying!

Stay fit, stay sexy, and get this out and into circulation!

Jiaogulan – The Chinese Herb of Immortality

Jiaogulan or Gynostemma pentaphyllum is a herbaceous vine from the cucurbitaceae family (cucumbers, squash, watermelon, pumpkin etc..) originating from the southern and eastern regions of Asia including China, India, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, and New guinea. In China it typically grows in mountainous regions and densely wooded areas where temperate rain forests reside.

The best quality tea is made from these remote regions away from environmental pollutants, pesticides, and herbicides. It’s mostly sweet with a slightly bitter after taste and speaking from personal experience the effects are typically felt within fifteen minutes. Effects include a general sense of well being, calm alertness, reduced anxiety and worry, increased stamina, and possible drowsiness.

Gypenosides have been identified (82) within the plant and it’s most chemically similar to panax ginseng. The herb increases endogenous antioxidant production, modulates Nitric Oxide, protects the liver, stimulates the immune system, treats bronchitis and asthmatic conditions, increases cardiac output by up to 30%, and modulates blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels. It may also increase bowel regularity.

Traditionally this tea is drank in the morning before manual labor to increase strength, endurance, and productivity. Then again at night before bed to relieve fatigue, stress, and promote quality rest. It has been used as a green tea substitute in remote areas of China and oddly enough it was found that those living in the areas that regularly consumed Jiaogulan had a longer life expectancy with many residents living to be a hundred plus years old.

Dosage: 1/2-1 Tsp. dried leaves 2-3 times per day. The same leaves can be brewed up to 3 times increasing steep time for each consecutive use.

COVID-19 Herbal formulation and thoughts

This is an unprecedented time that we live in. Cases are spiking higher and higher across the United States; yet the rest of the world is slowly reducing the number and severity of cases. Why? I propose its because the united states healthcare system has failed its people. Not from lack of knowledge or research but out of a fundamental flaw of intellectualism. Tunnel-vision. We’re so focused on one compound, one treatment… cure that we neglect the bigger picture.

Take China for example. They have a capsule called Lian Hua Qing Wen. This capsule is a concentrated extraction of over 13 different herbs and a mineral supplement to support immune function and efficacy of the mixture. This capsule was originally developed in 2003 during the SARS outbreak to control and reduce the severity of symptoms and duration. People typically recovered 30-40% quicker. Now, its not a silver bullet. But its sure as all hell is better than the leader of our country attempting to mask the reality of the shocking number of cases emerging within the US.

Let Thy Food be Thy Medicine.

I propose a solution. If you notice many of the cultures or parts of the world that have declining infection rates are

  1. Wearing masks and taking appropriate social distancing protocols because they trust their leadership.
  2. Utilizing traditional medicine techniques along with modern day research and medicine to provide a combination approach that provides symptom and immune support while a vaccine or treatment is developed.
  3. Reducing stress through quality of life standards and culture

What can you do right now? Begin or continue with exercise and diet regimen that supports your body in a complete and wholesome way. Minimize contact with public spaces that bring together large crowds without proper sanitizing protocols.

Passionflower Holy Basil Tea: A Potent Bed-time Infusion

Traditionally winter is a time of rest; to recuperate, regroup, and save energy for the soon-to-come warmer months. Plants drop their leaves, animals hibernate, and humans…well we don winter coats and continue hard-charging. Life commitments, and goals always come before rest and recuperation. This can and will lead to adrenal fatigue and the all too famous burnout syndrome. This winter if you need a night-time relaxation, rejuvenating, and cold fighting tea, try this recipe

  • 1-2 Tsp. Holy basil loose leaf
  • 1 Pinch of dried Passion fruit shell or 2 flowers
  • 1/2 Tsp honey
  • Lemon or key-lime

Steep for 10-15 minutes and enjoy!


Mayan Hot Chocolate (heavy on the mayan)


  • 1 Cup almond milk
  • 1 tsp. ground organic cocoa powder
  • 1/8 tsp. Cayenne
  • 1/8 tsp. nutmeg
  • 1 pinch of ginger
  • 1 sprinkling of cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. Ashwagandha powder
  • 1 thread saffron
  • 1/2-1 tsp. coconut oil
  • 1/2-1 tsp. organic honey
  • 1/2 tsp. medicinal mushrooms (optional)

Note* recommended to consume between 3 and 6 hours before bed, people have a varying degree of sensitivity to chocolate and caffeine content.

Recipe: Add almond milk, cocoa powder, cayenne, nutmeg, ginger, ashwagandha powder, saffron and coconut oil to a pot over medium heat. Bring to a simmer stirring to make sure all clumps are broken up. Add to a rotary device of your choice, blend until frothy. Add honey and cinnamon to taste. If done correctly there should be a foamy head and it should taste and smell heavenly.

Explanation: Chocolate contains antioxidants and alkaloids including small amounts of stimulating compounds like caffeine and theobromine. This is the quintessential ethnobotanical hot chocolate originating from the Mayan culture in sacred mushroom ceremonies. The ashwagandha is an ayurvedic addition.

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