Jiaogulan – The Chinese Herb of Immortality

Jiaogulan or Gynostemma pentaphyllum is a herbaceous vine from the cucurbitaceae family (cucumbers, squash, watermelon, pumpkin etc..) originating from the southern and eastern regions of Asia including China, India, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, and New guinea. In China it typically grows in mountainous regions and densely wooded areas where temperate rain forests reside.

The best quality tea is made from these remote regions away from environmental pollutants, pesticides, and herbicides. It’s mostly sweet with a slightly bitter after taste and speaking from personal experience the effects are typically felt within fifteen minutes. Effects include a general sense of well being, calm alertness, reduced anxiety and worry, increased stamina, and possible drowsiness.

Gypenosides have been identified (82) within the plant and it’s most chemically similar to panax ginseng. The herb increases endogenous antioxidant production, modulates Nitric Oxide, protects the liver, stimulates the immune system, treats bronchitis and asthmatic conditions, increases cardiac output by up to 30%, and modulates blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels. It may also increase bowel regularity.

Traditionally this tea is drank in the morning before manual labor to increase strength, endurance, and productivity. Then again at night before bed to relieve fatigue, stress, and promote quality rest. It has been used as a green tea substitute in remote areas of China and oddly enough it was found that those living in the areas that regularly consumed Jiaogulan had a longer life expectancy with many residents living to be a hundred plus years old.

Dosage: 1/2-1 Tsp. dried leaves 2-3 times per day. The same leaves can be brewed up to 3 times increasing steep time for each consecutive use.

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