Holiday Hangover Cure

Tis the season! Happy holidays to everyone, and I hope you are all staying well and safe.

Normally this time of the year we would be throwing big ole parties, inviting anyone and everyone to hang out and enjoy good company, amazing foods, and more then the fair share of alcohol. Maybe this year is a little different with the lockdown orders, smaller gatherings, or no gatherings at all. In any case, today I’d like to talk about alcohol.

Whether you’re drinking recreationally and want to avoid the dreaded hangover or you just want to feel sharp and ready for your zoom meeting first thing in the morning here are some tips and tricks to feel at your best.

  • Drink plenty of water/replenish electrolytes especially if you have a reverse osmosis filter (a pinch of himalayan or celtic sea salt will do).
  • Use medicinal teas and herbs like rosemary, dandelion, ginger, holy basil, milk thistle, and green tea or matcha (just be careful and avoid excessive caffeine).
  • Replenish minerals specifically zinc, magnesium, and B-vitamins as they can be depleted from alcohol and other recreational drugs.
  • Sauna or mild aerobic exercise can work wonders although it will suck. A lot.
  • Activated carbon capsules (2-3) before bed can help reduce the acetaldehyde load.
  • Utilize adaptogens. My favorite 3 are reishi, holy basil, and rhodiola although there are plenty others out there that may work as well or better for you.

Alcohol places stress on the body. It isn’t metabolized immediately because it moves quickly from the stomach to the blood stream/cardiovascular system but eventually the liver and kidneys need to figure out a way to process it. During that process it’s converted into acetaldehyde, a known carcinogen that can wreak havoc on many different parts of the body. Which is exactly why alcoholism can be so nasty and truly ruin ones health. That’s not to say that alcohol is bad as small amounts especially during the cooler winter months can provide a great source of antioxidants and promote circulation and good cardiovascular health.

With regards to best practices; consume in moderation, if you choose to drink hard alcohol, pick one of the cleaner ones like gin, whisky, vodka, brandy, or tequila. Especially avoid excess sugar as that can throw gasoline on the shit stained fire. Happy holidays! and if your royally hung over while reading this. Sucks to be you. GL

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