The Journey Begins

I look around at the people I know and the supposed role models of our society and what I see is ~5 percent of people who seem like they have it figured out. That “it” i’m referring to is life. Now what about the other 95 percent? Well they’re a bunch of bumbling idiots who don’t know their ass from a bag of ham. I obviously have all the answers to the universe and that’s exactly what this blog is for; to provide those answers.

Sarcasm aside, everyone is just chasing their dreams (hopefully) but what do we end up sacrificing during that pursuit? Often times it’s our health, well-being, friends, familial relations, and sometimes our own sanity. The alchemical gold of life is to get paid doing things that feel like play. That’s not to say that those things will or should be easy. After all if it feels like child’s play then whats the point? People like food that is just spicy enough to kick up a little sweat without causing a panic attack and explosive diarrhea. The same goes for work minus the diarrhea…unless Dave brought Chipotle for the office…fucking Dave.

“What surprises you the most about humanity?”

“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.” -Dalai lama

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