The Time Investment

Phoenician Grinders and MFLB

The time investment, the age-old question. What do you want to attract? Just like how the sum of your closest friends is a reflection of who you are. What you put time and effort towards day after day will eventually result in an outcome, good or bad. Do you want the life of your dreams, doing the things you love? or could you really care less?

The alchemical gold of life is getting paid to do the things you would be stoked to do for free. Note the double edge sword here…just because you would be happy to do these things free of charge doesn’t mean you should. In every line of work, expertise is rewarded appropriately.

It’s not enough to just be passionate about something. If you want to make a career in it you also have to be the best or one of the top experts in that field. Certainly a daunting task, but the greatest part is it can be quite literally anything. If you are an expert in electric toothbrush gaskets…well…maybe another topic would be better.

The point is value. Of your time and skills. If you are unable to value yourself appropriately, then how can you expect anyone else to?

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